Data Browser

The Circos plot displays copy number aberrations present in cytogenetics cases as a histogram around the circle, along with gene fusions displayed as links between gene loci in the center of the plot. This plot can be used to view the frequency of gene fusions present in the Mitelman database.

The green bars between the histogram and fusion links indicate the number of unique fusion links contained within the specified chromosome band. The color darkens as the number of fusion links increases. Hovering over the fusion link will display the number of entries for each given gene fusion.

The initial plot shows all available data in the Mitelman database. Users can narrow their selection by choosing from the available topographies and morphologies. Clicking the Apply button will update the plot showing database entries matching the search criteria.

Tips for Circos plots:

  • Hover over the graph to see more information. The bar plots will display detailed counts and chromosome bands for imbalances. The fusion links will show the same information for fusions, in addition to the names of the genes involved.
  • The green bars between the histogram and fusion links indicate the number of fusions contained within the specified chromosome band. The color darkens as the number of fusion links increases.

Details of the fusion genes can also be seen as a table in Gene Fusions.

For details, see Gene Fusions.
The abnormalities of the chromosomes and their genomic coordinates have been calculated by CytoConverter (Build: GRCh38)

Individual charts display the copy number details for each chromosome. Users can select from the given search criteria to view the frequency of chromosomal imbalances present in the Mitelman database for the selection. The Histogram section provides bar charts displaying gain/loss counts in each chromosome band, while Ideogram shows the same data on a chromosome representation. Values used in the charts can be viewed in the Data tab.

Tips for Copy Number plots:

  • Hover over each graph or ideogram to see detailed counts for the given chromosome band.
  • Expand the Show Display Options section to modify how the chart displays.
Hide Chromosomes with No Imbalances:
Off On
Imbalance Types:
1 extra copy
>1 extra copy
loss of 1 copy
homozygous deletions
All calculations are in relation to the diploid chromosome complement.
* Mouse over the bars to see coordinates and occurrences in detail.
No data to display

Your selection did not include any data to plot.
Go to Display Options and clear all filters to see all available charts.
* Ideogram plots are generated by Ideogram.js
1 Extra Copy
> 1 Extra Copy
Loss of 1 Copy
Homozygous Deletions
Chromosome Cytoband Start End Total Samples 1 Extra Copy >1 Extra Copy Loss of 1 Copy Homozygous Deletions
Count Freq % Count Freq % Count Freq % Count Freq %
The abnormalities of the chromosomes and their genomic coordinates have been calculated by CytoConverter (Build: GRCh38)
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The Gene Fusions searcher allows for you to view the morphology and topography distributions for specific genes or gene fusions. Users can search using individual genes or "gene1::gene2" fusion pairs and/or cytogenetic abnormalities and breakpoints. The results are displayed in pie charts with a table showing the data used in the charts.
Gene Fusion List Gene Fusion